Free Xml Editor Mac

  1. Xml Editor For Mac Free
  2. Best Free Xml Editor
  3. Free Xml Editor Mac Free
  4. Best Free Xml Editor Mac
  5. Free Xml Editor For Mac
  1. Free cross-platform web browser based Online XML Editor, runs on Linux, Windows, Mac, Android, FireFox, Chrome, IE, Safari. Edit or view XML schema or document. No user registration required.
  2. Visual Studio Code is the best solution for ASP.Net and C#. Vim is a good text editor but the only problem with that is, it has a steep learning curve. Bluefish is best known as a high-speed PHP editor. TextMate and TextWrangler are the text editors for Mac only. UltraEdit is good for handling large files.

Our next best free HTML editor for macOS 10.15 is Amaya. It is also an HTML text editor for macOS 10.15 that is simple to use. Accepted by W3C, Amaya is proven to be of top-notch quality. It is an outstanding web editor that allows you to create anything and represent it virtually with unlimited designs.

This is a fantastic and essential editor for anyone working with XML and its related technologies (XSLT, XQuery, XML Schemas, RelaxNG, DTD). If you work with TEI, DocBook, or DITA, oXygen ships with up-to-date versions of these schemas and templates. oXygen natively understands (and learns) XML structures, so you'll notice it suggesting element and attribute values as you edit. It's also an excellent XHTML, CSS, and plain text editor. Its built-in ability to browse and query native XML databases (such as eXist and Mark Logic), SQL databases, and SVN repositories make it a tool for the power user. While Java-based and thus visually non-Mac in UI, the developers are listening to the requests of mac users in their forums. Like many specialized tools, oXygen's many views and palettes let you customize your UI to expose only what you need to get your job done. Lastly, don't let the price scare you away! There price listed here is for the professional commercial license. The personal/academic price is much lower (currently $48). The fact that this license is cross-platform means that if you have a windows machine you can install it there too and get work done. Since I purchased in November, two point releases have come out - 9.2 and 9.3 - and I've been impressed with the steady progress they've made. 9.3 is able to open MS Office XML files in their zipped state from within oXygen. They're also adding more options for WYSIWYG-like XML editing, which make it nicer to edit XML files (and to train XML newbies to edit XML files). My only problem cropped up when I began editing a fairly large XML file - I started getting out of memory errors. This was solved by a quick edit of a config file ( in the oxygen directory... Java apps apparently can't adjust their memory as needed as native mac apps can. But the steps for doing this were well laid out in the included documentation.

Download EditiX XML Editor and test it for free for 30 days for commercial usage.

Version : 18.0
Build : 170121
Evaluation : 30 days(5 days for previous usage)

Xml Editor For Mac Free

Free xml editor macWindows

Release information


Binaries - Professional 2021 Edition


Windows (2000/XP/Vista/7/8/10) - 32 bitsDownload (102 Mb)
Windows (2000/XP/Vista/7/8/10) - 64 bitsDownload (107 Mb)
Mac OS X/Unix/Linux/ZIPDownload (56 Mb)

Open Source GIT directory - Community 2017 Edition

Comparison Professional / Community

Best Free Xml Editor

XML Editor (content assistant, validation...)xx
XSLT Editor basicxx
XSLT Editor enhancedx
W3C Schema Editorx
ZIP Browserx
XML Data basex
JavaScript Editorx
XML Diffx
JSON Editorx
Regular updatex

Installation instructions :

For Windows

SmartScreen is a default protection inside Windows 10, if it displays a message 'Windows protected your PC' about the editix's installation, you can disable it selecting 'run anyway'. Note that you can use the zip version for avoiding this message.

The default install contains a Java VM version. Windows may complain when running because a Java VM will be installed, it may require an administrator privilege before installing.

If you want to install yourself a Java VM, you need at least a Java VM 8. Then you may download the ZIP version and run editix only from the bin/editix.bat command.

For Mac/Unix/Linux

You need at least a Java VM 8.x. You may download it from this page. Open a terminal/console and use 'java -version' for checking your current version.

Mac OS X / ZIP, here the steps.

Note : OpenJDK has too many bugs for running editix, use official Java VM from oracle.

For Running from the command line

From the bin directory :* : Starting EditiX for a unix/linux and mac os x platform

editix.bat : Starting EditiX for a windows platform.* : Running a scenario for a unix/linux and mac os x platform.

scenario.bat : Running a scenario for a windows platform.

* Use the command chmod u+x scriptname make the script executable or inside your window manager changing the permission to 'execute'.

For the Community 2017 Edition

git clone

Free Xml Editor Mac Free

You need a Java VM (JDK for compiling) and Ant.


Uninstalling instructions :

The following procedure will remove EditiX XML Editor from your system. Be sure that all valuable data stored in the install folder is saved to another location.

  • - On Windows use the appropriate uninstaller shortcut
  • - On Mac OS X and Unix manually delete the installation folder and all its contents

Best Free Xml Editor Mac

For removing all the editix's preferences, please delete the directory YOUR_HOME_DIRECTORY/.editix

Download older versions

Free Xml Editor For Mac

Download EditiX XML Editor 2018
Download EditiX XML Editor 2017