Flutter Download Mac

  • System requirements

This page describes how to download the Dart SDK.The Dart SDK has the libraries and command-line tools that you need to developDart command-line, server, and non-Flutter web apps.For details, see the Dart SDK overview.

How to install and setup Flutter on Mac - Part 1In this series, we introduce you to the joys of working with Flutter and Dart to build iOS and Android apps w. Installation bundles are not available for master. However, you can get the SDK directly from GitHub repo by cloning the master channel, and then triggering a download of the SDK dependencies. Nov 02, 2012 Flutter is a free download and installs quickly and easily. Once installed, you can use Flutter through the Mac's camera to control your audio file playback. You can hold up a palm to stop. In this video we configure Xcode for Flutter development. We set up an IOS simulator and run a flutter app on it. Then, I show you how you can connect your a.

As of Flutter 1.21, the Flutter SDK includes the full Dart SDK.So if you have Flutter installed,you might not need to explicitly download the Dart SDK.Consider downloading the Dart SDK ifany of the following are true:

  • You don’t use Flutter.
  • You use a pre-1.21 version of Flutter.
  • You want to reduce disk space requirements or download time,and your use case doesn’t require Flutter.For example, you might have a continuous integration (CI)setup that requires Dart but not Flutter.

Installing the Dart SDK

As the following instructions show,you can use a package managerto easily install and update a stable channel Dart SDK.Alternatively, you canbuild the SDK from source,grab a Dart Docker image, orinstall from any release channel bydownloading the SDK as a zip file.

Dart tools may send usage metrics and crash reports to Google.By downloading the Dart SDK, you agree to theGoogle Terms of Service.Note: The Google Privacy Policydescribes how data is handled in this service.

To control the submission of metrics, use the following options on thedart tool:

  • --enable-analytics: Enables anonymous analytics.
  • --disable-analytics: Disables anonymous analytics.
  • Windows
  • Linux
  • macOS

You can install the Dart SDK using Chocolatey.

Important: These commands require administrator rights. Here’s one way to open a Command Prompt window that has admin rights:

Flutter Download Mac
  1. Press Windows+R to open the Run window.
  2. Type cmd into the box.
  3. Press Ctrl+Shift+Enter.

To install the Dart SDK:

To upgrade the Dart SDK:

By default, the SDK is installed at C:toolsdart-sdk.You can change that location by settingthe ChocolateyToolsLocation environment variableto your chosen installation directory.

If you can’t use the Dart SDK executables,add the SDK location to your PATH:

  1. In the Windows search box, type env.
  2. Click Edit the system environment variables.
  3. Click Environment Variables….
  4. In the user variable section, select Path and click Edit….
  5. Click New, and enter the path to the dart-sdk directory.
  6. In each window that you just opened,click Apply or OK to dismiss it and apply the path change.

If you’re using Debian/Ubuntu on AMD64 (64-bit Intel), you can choose one of thefollowing options, both of which can update the SDK automatically when newversions are released.

Install using apt-get

Perform the following one-time setup:

Then install the Dart SDK:

Install a Debian package

Alternatively, download Dart SDK as a Debian packagein the .deb package format.

Modify PATH for access to all Dart binaries

After installing the SDK, add its bin directory to your PATH. For example,use the following command to change PATH in your active terminal session:

To change the PATH for future terminal sessions, use a command like this:

Install Homebrew,and then run the following commands:

Important: Make sure the Homebrew bin directory is in your PATH. Setting up the path correctly makes it easier to use Dart SDK commands such as dart and dart format. For help setting up your path, consult the Homebrew FAQ.

To upgrade when a new release of Dart is available:

To switch between locally installed Dart releases, usebrew switch dart <version>. Example:

Version note: The brew switch command was removed after the 2.6 release of Homebrew. To continue using brew switch, downgrade Homebrew to a 2.6 version:

To see which versions of Dart you’ve installed:

System requirements

The Dart SDK is supported on Windows, Linux, and macOS.


  • Supported versions: Windows 10.
  • Supported architectures: x64, ia32.


  • Supported versions:Debian stable and Ubuntu LTS under standard support.
  • Supported architectures: x64, ia32, arm, arm64.

Note: The arm support requires glibc 2.23 or newer due to a dynamic linker bug.


  • Supported versions: Latest three major versions.As of April 2021, the following versions are supported:
    • macOS 10.14 (Mojave)
    • macOS 10.15 (Catalina)
    • macOS 11 (Big Sur)
  • Supported architectures: x64, arm64.

About release channels and version strings

The Dart SDK has three release channels: Horoscope explorer pro 5.03 crack.

  • Stable channel: stable releases, updated roughly every three months;currently [calculating].

    Stable releases are suitable for production use.

  • Beta channel: preview releases, usually updated every month;currently [calculating].

    Beta channel builds are preview builds for the stable channel. We recommendtesting, but not releasing, your apps against beta to preview new features ortest compatibility with future releases.

  • Dev channel: prereleases, usually updated twice a week;currently [calculating].

    Dev channel releases are the most current with latest changes, may be broken,are unsupported, and may contain unvetted breaking changes.

Stable channel releases of the Dart SDK have x.y.z version strings like1.24.3 and 2.1.0. They consist of dot-separated integers, with no hyphens orletters, where x is the major version, y is the minor version, and z isthe patch version.

Beta and dev channel releases of the Dart SDK (non-stable releases) havex.y.z-a.b.<beta|dev> versions like 2.8.0-20.11.beta. The part before thehyphen follows the stable version scheme, a and b after the hyphen are theprerelease and prerelease patch versions, and beta or dev is the channel.


You can get stable channel releases usingthe instructions above, or you canget stable, beta, or dev channel releasesusing a package manager or Dart Docker image, orby downloading the SDK as a zip file.

In this tutorial you will learn how to install flutter on Mac step by step and how to configure XCode to work with flutter.But before we install flutter lets know what actually is flutter.

Windows:How to install flutter on windows with android studio.
Visual studio code :How to install flutter with visual studio code.
Ubuntu :How to install flutter on ubuntu.

2How to Install Flutter On Mac?
3Get the Flutter SDK
3.1Run flutter doctor
5iOS Setup
6Android Setup

What is Flutter?

Flutter is Google’s mobile UI framework for crafting high-quality native interfaces on web, mobile and desktop in record time. It is used to develop applications for web, desktop, Android and iOS.Using a single codebase, you can develop mobile apps for both Android and iOS in the same time without putting extra effort. Flutter works with existing code,and is used by developers and organisations around the world, and is free and open source.

NOTE : This tutorial about how to install flutter on mac os is complete reference from flutter official documentation.

How to Install Flutter On Mac?

Minimum System requirements

To install Flutter on Mac, your development environment must meet these minimum requirements

  • Operating System: macOS (64-bit)
  • Disk Space: 2.8 GB (does not include disk space for IDE/tools).
  • Tools: Flutter depends on these command-line tools being available in your environment.
    1. bash
    2. curl
    3. Git for Mac
    4. mkdir
    5. rm
    6. unzip
    7. which

Get the Flutter SDK

Download the latest flutter SDK from the flutter official site from the link below.
Download FltterSDK

Extract the file in the desired location, for example:

Add the flutter tool to your path:

This command sets your PATH variable for the current terminal window only. To permanently add Flutter to your path checkout the update your path section of this post.

Optionally, pre-download development binaries:

The flutter tool downloads platform-specific development binaries as needed. For scenarios where pre-downloading these artifacts is preferable (for example, in hermetic build environments, or with intermittent network availability), iOS and Android binaries can be downloaded ahead of time by running:

For additional download options, see flutter help precache command.
Yay! you can now run flutter commands.

Run flutter doctor

Run the following command to see if there are any dependencies you need to install to complete the setup (for verbose output, add the -v flag):

This command checks your environment and displays a report to the terminalwindow. The Dart SDK is bundled with Flutter; it is not necessary to installDart separately. Check the output carefully for other software you mightneed to install or further tasks to perform (shown in bold text).

For example:

Fix license issue in Android studio

Fix iOS toolchain issues

( Install Xcode command line tools if you are on Mac OS Mojave)

Update iOS-deploy

The following sections describe how to perform these tasks and finish the setup process.
Once you have installed any missing dependencies, run the flutter doctor command again to verify that you’ve set everything up correctly.

Update your path

  • Determine the directory where you placed the Flutter SDK. You need this in Step 3.
  • Open (or create) the rc file for your shell. For example, macOS Mojave (and earlier) uses the Bash shell by default, so edit $HOME/.bash_profile or $HOME/.bashrc. macOS Catalina uses the Z shell by default, so edit $HOME/.zshrc.If you are using a different shell, the file path and filename will be different on your machine.
  • Add the following line and change
    [ PATH_TO_FLUTTER_GIT_DIRECTORY ] to be the path where you cloned Flutter’s git repo:
  • Run source $HOME/.<rc file> to refresh the current window, or open a new terminal window to automatically source the file.
  • Verify that the flutter/bin directory is now in your PATH by running:
  • Verify that the flutter command is available by running:

Platform Setup

macOS supports developing Flutter apps in iOS, Android, and the web (technical preview release). Complete the platform setup steps now, to be able to build and run your first Flutter app.

iOS Setup

Install Xcode

To develop Flutter apps for iOS, you need a Mac with Xcode.

Install the latest stable version of Xcode (using web download or the Mac App Store).
Configure the Xcode command-line tools to use the newly-installed version of Xcode by running the following from the command line:

This is the correct path for most cases, when you want to use the latest version of Xcode. If you need to use a different version, specify that path instead.

Make sure the Xcode license agreement is signed by either opening Xcode once and confirming or running sudo xcodebuild -license from the command line.


Versions older than the latest stable version may still work, but are not recommended for Flutter development. Using old versions of Xcode to target bitcode is not supported, and is likely not to work.

Flutter Download Mac Download

With Xcode, you’ll be able to run Flutter apps on an iOS device or on the simulator.

Set up the iOS simulator

To prepare to run and test your Flutter app on the iOS simulator, follow these steps:

  • On your Mac, find the Simulator via Spotlight or by using the following command:
  • Make sure your simulator is using a 64-bit device (iPhone 5s or later) by checking the settings in the simulator’s Hardware > Device menu.
  • Depending on your development machine’s screen size, simulated high-screen-density iOS devices might overflow your screen. Set the device scale under the Window > Scale menu in the simulator.

Create and run a simple Flutter app

To create your first Flutter app and test your setup, follow these steps:

Create a new Flutter app by running the following from the command line


A my_app directory is created, containing Flutter’s starter app. Enter this directory

To launch the app in the Simulator, ensure that the Simulator is running and enter

Deploy to iOS devices

To deploy your Flutter app to a physical iOS device you need the third-party CocoaPods dependency manager and an Apple Developer account. You’ll also need to set up physical device deployment in Xcode.

Install and set up CocoaPods by running the following commands

Follow the Xcode signing flow to provision your project

  • Open the default Xcode workspace in your project by running openios/Runner.xcworkspace in a terminal window from your Flutter project directory.
  • Select the device you intend to deploy to in the device drop-down menu next to the run button.
  • Select the Runner project in the left navigation panel.

In the Runner target settings page, make sure your Development Team is selected. The UI varies depending on your version of Xcode.

  • For Xcode 10, look under General > Signing > Team.
  • For Xcode 11 and newer, look under Signing & Capabilities > Team.

When you select a team,Xcode creates and downloads a Development Certificate,registers your device with your account,and creates and downloads a provisioning profile (if needed).

Flutter Download Mac Free

  • To start your first iOS development project, you might need to sign into Xcode with your Apple ID.
    Development and testing is supported for any Apple ID. Enrolling in the Apple Developer Program is required to distribute your app to the App Store. For details about membership types, see Choosing a Membership.
  • The first time you use an attached physical device for iOS development, you need to trust both your Mac and the Development Certificate on that device. Select Trust in the dialog prompt when first connecting the iOS device to your Mac.
    Then, go to the Settings app on the iOS device, select General > Device Management and trust your Certificate.
  • If automatic signing fails in Xcode, verify that the project’s General > Identity > Bundle Identifier value is unique.

Start your app by running flutter run.

Android Setup

Install Android Studio

  • Download and install Android Studio.
  • Start Android Studio, and go through the ‘Android Studio Setup Wizard’. This installs the latest Android SDK, Android SDK Platform-Tools, and Android SDK Build-Tools, which are required by Flutter when developing for Android.

Set up your Android device

To prepare to run and test your Flutter app on an Android device, you’ll need an Android device running Android 4.1 (API level 16) or higher.

  • Enable Developer options and USB debugging on your device. Detailed instructions are available in the Android documentation.
  • Windows-only: Install the Google USB Driver.
  • Using a USB cable, plug your phone into your computer. If prompted on your device, authorize your computer to access your device.
  • In the terminal, run the flutter devices command to verify that Flutter recognizes your connected Android device.

By default, Flutter uses the version of the Android SDK where your adb tool is based. If you want Flutter to use a different installation of the Android SDK, you must set the ANDROID_HOME environment variable to that installation directory.

Set up the Android emulator

To prepare to run and test your Flutter app on the Android emulator, follow these steps

  • Enable VM acceleration on your machine.
  • Launch Android Studio > Tools > Android > AVD Manager and select Create Virtual Device. (The Android submenu is only present when inside an Android project.)
  • Choose a device definition and select Next.
  • Select one or more system images for the Android versions you want to emulate, and select Next. An x86 or x86_64 image is recommended.
  • Under Emulated Performance, select Hardware – GLES 2.0 to enable hardware acceleration.
  • Verify the AVD configuration is correct, and select Finish.
    For details on the above steps, see Managing AVDs.
  • In Android Virtual Device Manager, click Run in the toolbar. The emulator starts up and displays the default canvas for your selected OS version and device.

Install Flutter and Dart plugins

  • Start Android Studio.
  • Open plugin preferences ( Preferences > Plugins on macOS, File > Settings > Plugins on Windows ).
  • Select Marketplace, select the Flutter plugin and click Install.
  • Click Yes when prompted to install the Dart plugin.
  • Click Restart when prompted.

That’s all about how to install flutter on mac with xcode.We will see other flutter concepts in the next posts.

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Flutter Download Mac Version